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Female Fertility

For women, the most fertile period is in your mid-twenties and fertility starts to decrease after the age of 35. This is because as women get older our follicle (egg) count declines. The total number of follicles remaining at any given time is known as the ovarian reserve. It gradually declines at a steady rate up until the age of about 35, or when the ovarian reserve has reduced to around 25,000 follicles.

The rate of decline picks up speed after the age of 35 until menopause when only about 1,000 follicles remain.

Getting older is inevitable and we cannot stop the follicle count from declining therefore our focus needs to be on the quality of the remaining follicles.

Supporting Egg Quality

Before ovulation the female egg goes through an important maturation process that begins 3-5 months before ovulation. A good way to consider this phase is "Trimester Zero".

During this time the egg matures within a structured environment called a follicle. The follicle will nurture the egg until it is ready to be released at ovulation into the fallopian tube.

The egg maturation process is energy intensive and the egg follicle needs to be supported.

Egg Development

As you can see from the diagram below, it takes approximately 90 - 120 days for the egg to develop from a tiny follicle to a mature egg ready for ovulation. The ovaries will contain follicles at every stage of development at any given time.

The egg maturation process is energy intensive and the egg follicle needs to be supported. A number of follicles will start the process and through the process of natural selection the best quality egg will be selected at ovulation and be released into the fallopian tube. The egg follicle beginning its journey today will be ready for ovulation in 3-5 months time.

Your diet and lifestyle between now and then can have an impact of its quality.


Nutrients play an important role in the development of the egg, womb and the hormonal system. Each month, the reproductive and hormonal cycle develop an egg cell, prepare the womb and a wide range of other processes have to be performed to create the right fertile balance.

The female egg takes approximately 90 days to mature before ovulation. So it is important to prioritise a balanced healthy diet full of essential nutrients in the months before conception.

About Proceive® Women

Nutrients play an important role in the development of the egg, womb and the hormonal system. Many of these processes use nutrients. A healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and taking enough exercise are important when trying for a baby. It can be difficult to get all the nutrients you need from your diet in today’s busy world. This is where Proceive® Women may help by providing the extra support needed to support good pre-conception health.

There are two Proceive® Women’s formulas;

Proceive®️ Women For Women Trying To Conceive

Recommended for:

Women under 35 starting their conception journey and want to prepare their body in the best possible way.


Can be taken while on the contraceptive pill to prepare for future pregnancy. Start three months before trying to conceive for optimal results.

Proceive®️ Max Women Fertility Supplement for Women Over 35 Trying To Conceive

Recommended for:

Women over 35 or Women of any age who have been trying to conceive for over 12 months.

Women of any age preparing for IVF or other fertility treatments.

Women of any age with known fertility conditions.


Start three months before trying to conceive or beginning fertility treatments for optimal results.

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Proceive®️ is Proudly Certified Vegan


Proceive® Women is formulated to support the nutritional needs of women aged 18-35 when trying for a baby. Based on scientific research by fertility experts using a wide range of clinical studies, Proceive® Women provides 1,040mg of 28 carefully selected amino acids, vitamins and minerals, including the recommended 400µg of folic acid in the L-Methylfolate form. Each ingredient is delivered at the optimal strength in a highly absorbable form.

  • Tailored pre-conception formula
  • Including 400µg Folic Acid, Zinc and Vitamin D
  • Natural & Certified Vegan
  • 60 Capsules - 1 Month Supply

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How it works

Nutrients play an important role in the development of the egg, womb preparation, hormone regulation and more. Each month, the reproductive and hormonal cycle develop an egg cell, prepare the womb and a range of other processes have to be performed to create the right fertile balance. Proceive® Women delivers high levels of carefully selected, key ingredients including;

  • CoQ10
  • L Cysteine
  • Vitamin B6 contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity
  • Zinc contributes to normal fertility and reproduction
  • Vitamin B12 has a role in the process of cell division
  • Vitamin D contributes to the normal function of the immune system
  • Folic acid (L-Methylfolate) contributes to normal maternal tissue growth during pregnancy. We use the L-Methylfolate for increased absorption. 
  • Magnesium contributes to the psychological function and also has a role in the process of cell division
  • Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress
  • Vitamin C contributes to normal physiological function which helps in producing good quality cells

See the ingredients tab for a full ingredient list.

A healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet is important when trying for a baby. It can be difficult to get all the nutrients you need from your diet in today’s busy world. This is where Proceive® can help by providing extra support needed to build your nutritional stores and support good pre-conception health.

How to take

  • Take two capsules once per day.
  • Best taken in the morning on a full stomach.
  • We recommend taking Proceive® Omega 3 with this product.
  • If you have trouble swallowing capsules, they can be opened you can add the contents to food. Just give them a squeeze and a twist.
  • For best results we recommend taking Proceive® Women 3 months before you start trying for a baby and continue for as long as required. Proceive® Women is certified Vegan.

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Proceive®️ is Proudly Certified Vegan


Proceive® Max Women is tailored to support the nutritional needs of women over 35 when trying for a baby as well as those aged between 18 and 35 who have been trying to conceive a year or more.|

It contains the highest level of nutritional support in the Proceive® range. Based on scientific research by fertility experts using a wide range of clinical studies, Proceive® Max Women provides 33 carefully selected amino acids, vitamins, and minerals including the recommended 400ug of folic acid in L-Methylfolate form. Each ingredient is delivered at the optimal strength in a highly absorbable form

  • Tailored, maximum strength pre-conception formula
  • Including 400μg Folic Acid, Inositol and Choline.
  • Vegan
  • 30 Sachets - 1 Month Supply

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How it works

Nutrients play an important role in the development of the egg, womb preparation, hormone regulation and more. Each month, the reproductive and hormonal cycle develop an egg follicle, prepare the womb and a range of other processes have to be performed to create the right fertile balance.

Proceive Max Women delivers the highest levels of carefully selected, key ingredients including;

  • Amino Acids L-Arginine, L-Carnitine, L-Glutamine and more
  • Co Q10
  • Choline
  • Inositol
  • Vitamin B6 which contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity
  • Zinc which contributes to normal fertility and reproduction
  • Vitamin B12 has a role in the process of cell division
  • Vitamin D supports the immune system
  • Folic acid (L-Methylfolate) contributes to normal maternal tissue growth during pregnancy. We use the L-Methylfolate form for increased absorption. 
  • Magnesium has a role in the process of cell division.
  • Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.
  • Vitamin C contributes to normal physiological function which helps in producing good quality cells.

See the ingredients tab for a full ingredient list.

A healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet is important when trying for a baby. It can be difficult to get all the nutrients you need from your diet in today’s busy world. This is where Proceive can help by providing extra support needed to build your nutritional stores and support good pre-conception health.

How to take

  • Take one sachet per day with approximately 300ml of water or juice.
  • Best taken on a full stomach in the morning. 
  • For best results it is recommended to take Proceive Max Women 3 months before you start trying for a baby and continue for as long as required. Proceive Max Women is suitable for Vegans.
  • We recommend to take Proceive Conception Omega 3 with this product.

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