Nutrition During Pregnancy
Did you know that during pregnancy your nutritional requirements increase and what’s more, these requirements actually change as the pregnancy progresses and your baby develops!?
Developed by our experienced team of medical and nutritional experts, the Proceive® Pregnancy range is uniquely formulated to support the nutritional needs of both mum and baby during each trimester. Providing a wide range of superior quality amino acids, vitamins and minerals at optimum dosage levels.
Each product from Trimester 1 to 3 has a base of core nutrients including Folic acid, in the natural L-Methylfolate form for improved absorption, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Iron and Zinc. The product is then tailored to meet the needs of mother and baby during the specific trimester with additional vitamins, minerals and amino acids are added in to meet the needs of you and your baby at each stage of pregnancy.

First Trimester
The first trimester is the most crucial stage of the baby's development. During this time the baby develops rapidly, growing from one cell to many thousands. By the end of the first trimester the foetus weighs about 1oz and measures around 3-4 inches in length.
Proceive® Pregnancy Trimester 1 offers tailored nutrition for both you and your baby during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. This is a comprehensive, active blend of 29 key vitamins, minerals and amino acids scientifically formulated for this stage.

Second Trimester
During the second trimester the rapid growth rate begins to slow down and steady. The baby has now developed all its organs and systems and will now focus on growing in size, laying down fat cells and gaining weight. The weight of the baby will multiply more than seven times over the next few months.
Proceive® Pregnancy Trimester 2 offers tailored nutrition for both you and your baby during weeks 13-27 of pregnancy. This is a comprehensive, active blend of 31 key vitamins, minerals and amino acids scientifically formulated for this stage.

Third Trimester
During the third trimester, the baby continues to grow in size and weight and you body prepares for labour and delivery.
Proceive® Pregnancy Trimester 3 offers tailored nutrition for both you and your baby during the final 12 weeks of pregnancy. This is a comprehensive, active blend of 28 vitamins, minerals and amino acids scientifically formulated for the final weeks of your pregnancy.