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Egg Quality Fertility

It's About Quality, Not Quantity!

When it comes to trying for a baby, there is a lot of focus on ‘how many eggs do I have left?’ While of course it’s so important to have a number of eggs when trying to conceive, it’s important to remember it’s not just about quantity, it’s about quality too! The quality of a fertilised egg is what enables it to copy the correct number of chromosomes and become a healthy pregnancy.

We know that egg quality declines with age, there’s not much we can do about that. But did you know that we have a window of time before the egg is released where we can really help optimise its quality?

It takes 12 months to make a baby… Yes, you read that correctly! The egg goes through a maturation process of 3-4 months before it is released, in which it is sensitive and receptive to changes in our nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle!

Here are some top tips on making sure you’re looking after your eggs before conception.


Research shows that the optimal diet for female fertility is a nutrient-rich Mediterranean style diet. This means a diet full of a variety of vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, wholegrains, fish and lean meats. This diet is rich in antioxidants, which means it may protect our maturing eggs from oxidative damage.


If you are planning a baby in the coming months, fish should be a part of your diet, and especially oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines and herring. Oily fish in particular contains Omega 3 fatty acids, which have amazing anti-inflammatory properties, meaning they may protect our maturing eggs from inflammatory damage. If you don’t like oily fish, you can simply supplement and get all those beneficial Omega 3s through Proceive Omega 3.Proceive Omega 3


You want to enter into pregnancy in a nourished state, and not in a depleted state. A high quality prenatal multivitamin acts as an insurance policy, meaning you have your bases covered and are less likely to have nutrient deficiencies. Something to note is that the oral contraceptive pill causes nutrient deficiencies such as magnesium and zinc, so a high quality prenatal multivitamin is even more important if you have just finished taking the oral contraceptive pill.Proceive



It is widely recommended that women should be taking folic acid (vitamin B9) 3 months prior to conception, to prevent the incidence of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida. The type of vitamin B9 you are supplementing with is important. Vitamin B9 can be obtained in two ways. The first way is from folic acid, which is a synthetic form, and requires several steps in order for it to be converted into a compound that can be used by the body. The other form, methyl-folate, on the other hand, is naturally occurring, and is in an already active form of the vitamin. What’s interesting is there is a growing body of evidence which shows that up to 50% of women may have a genetic polymorphism, or mutation, which hinders the conversion folic acid from its synthetic form, to its active form. This means that if you take methyl-folate, it bypasses the need for this complicated conversation process and you don’t need to worry about having this genetic polymorphism. Proceive Preconception and Pregnancy Trimester 1, Trimester 2 and Trimester 3, all contains methyl-folate, which is the more natural and active form of vitamin B9!


Egg quality naturally declines with age. If you are over the age of 35 years, you should consider supplementing with CoQ10. There is growing evidence to suggest that supplementing with CoQ10 improves egg quality and the chances of a successful pregnancy, particularly in assisted reproductive treatments. Proceive Max supplement is designed for women over the age of 35 years, as it contains CoQ10, so we’ve got you covered!


Minimise alcohol consumption and stop smoking or taking recreational drugs when trying to conceive, as all of these lifestyle factors have been shown to negatively impact egg health and fertility.

If you are planning on trying for a baby in the coming months, try to really prioritise your health in the 3 months before conception. Take comfort in knowing that by giving the best to yourself and your eggs, you are giving the best to your baby!

Proceive egg quality


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