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Your Fertility Supplement Checklist

Your Fertility Supplement Checklist

You may be wondering what you can do to prepare your body, whether trying to conceive naturally, waiting for your long-awaited fertility specialist consultation or whilst preparing for a round of IVF. One area in which you can take control of your conception preparation is through your lifestyle and nutrition, by eating food which support your body in preparation for conception.

Our diet and lifestyle play a key role not only in our general health, but in our fertility health too. Did you know that in approximately one in three couples who experience infertility (where no cause has been found), that improving nutrition and lifestyle can make a difference? This doesn’t just apply to women – both the male and female reproductive systems need adequate nutritional support to contribute to good sperm and egg quality.


Nutrients play an important role in the development of the egg, womb and the hormonal system. Each month, the reproductive and hormonal cycle develop an egg cell and prepare the womb. A wide range of other processes also have to be performed to create the right fertile balance. Without these nutrients, the delicate orchestral balance can be disrupted. The female egg takes approximately 90 days to mature before ovulation. Egg quality can be enhanced if it is released into a healthy nurturing environment.

Pregnancy is also very taxing on your body’s nutritional stores. Now’s the time to be cleaning up your diet and including lots of nutrient dense foods. Starting with a pre-conception supplement, that can support the health of your eggs and subsequently help avoid any nutritional deficiencies during early pregnancy.

Proceive Women offers a comprehensive formula with 28 essential nutrients, including folic acid, B vitamins, and amino acids, tailored to support female fertility. Designed with the guidance of fertility experts, Proceive provides these nutrients at optimal levels to enhance egg health and create the ideal nurturing environment for conception.


Folic acid – It is vital that a woman has sufficient folic acid in her system prior to conception and during pregnancy to prevent, amongst other things, neural defects. As it is a water soluble vitamin it is not stored in the body so it must be taken in daily. The NHS recommends all women begin taking 400μg of folic acid at least 3 months before conception.

Full set of B Vitamins – B Vitamins are water soluble which means that the body cannot store them and they are excreted daily. One of their most important functions is their role in energy production within the cell. Vitamin B12 is also particularly difficult to get if you are following a vegetarian or vegan diet and therefore should be supplemented.

Amino acids – They are the building blocks of proteins necessary for growth and repair in the body. Look for: L’Arginine, Inositol, L’Carnitine, L’Citruline, L’Glutamine, N-Acetyl-L-cysteine, Glycine.

Antioxidants – They are very important as they protect the egg from damage. Antioxidants work in synergy. It is not advisable to supplement with a single antioxidant, they require the full complement to be effective.

Research backed – Look for an evidence based supplement that is backed by science.

Quality – Many supplements have an A-Z of everything but at low levels. It is important to ensure you select a supplement with nutrients at appropriate levels. Also check what is in the supplement, as many brands use fillers to bulk up the quantity as well as binders and preservatives. 


There are many misconceptions when it comes to male fertility, namely that men tend to think that they will be able to conceive forever. This is not the case. Much like women, after the age of 40 the quality of a man’s sperm declines. Older men trying for a baby may experience a low sperm count, poor mobility, poor motility and damage to the DNA. It is important to understand the importance of good quality sperm for a healthy pregnancy.

Men have to produce between 40 and 300 million sperm cells to be fertile. This is an intensive process and the energy involved in creating these cells is significant. Getting the environment right and developing good quality sperm cells are key factors when trying for a baby. A deficiency in any nutrient may have an impact on male fertility. The good news is as new sperm is created every 74 days (approx.), each new batch is different. Positive dietary changes and supplementation can impact sperm quality and quantity in as little as 3 months.


Zinc – Zinc is considered a key nutrient in reproduction and tends to be lacking in many peoples diets. It contributes to normal fertility and reproduction.

Selenium – Selenium is an important antioxidant which contributes to sperm health.

Full set of B Vitamins – B Vitamins are vital for the production of energy in the body. Sufficient energy production is required for reproductive health.

Amino acids – They are the building blocks of proteins necessary for growth and repair in the body. Look for: Taurine, L’Arginine, L’Carnitine, L’Citruline, L’Glutamine, N-Acetyl-L-cysteine, Glycine.

Antioxidants – They are very important as they protect the sperm from damage. Antioxidants work in synergy. It is not advisable to supplement with a single antioxidant because they require the full complement to be effective.

Research backed – Look for an evidence based supplement that is backed by science.

Quality – Many supplements have an A-Z of everything but at low levels it important to ensure you select a supplement with nutrients included at appropriate levels for reproductive health.

Proceive Men is scientifically formulated with 26 essential nutrients, including zinc for fertility, selenium for sperm health, and amino acids like L-arginine and taurine to support energy and motility. With its research-backed approach, Proceive Men helps to bridge nutritional gaps and optimize sperm health, giving you the best chance of successful conception.

You can help bridge any nutritional gaps by taking a good vitamin, mineral, amino acid and omega 3 supplement. Proceive helps to ensure you have both done all you can from a nutritional perspective to maximise your chances. While it does take time for the nutrients to build up in your system, the good news is it doesn’t take too long. Improving nutrition and lifestyle for as little as three months before trying to conceive can make a noticeable difference to both genders. 


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