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Zinc and male fertility

Zinc and Male Fertility

As important as zinc levels are to a woman’s fertility, it maybe even more vital when a man is trying for a baby. Zinc is one of the most important trace minerals for male fertility. Increasing zinc levels in men has been shown to increase sperm volume, improve structure and function of male sperm and is a good quality antioxidant.


Zinc is necessary for the creation of the outer membrane and tail of the sperm. Without it, the sperm cannot mature to a stage that gives them the mobility and strength to make the long journey through the female for fertilisation to take place.
Low levels of zinc may also be a causal factor of defects in the sperm. This is called DNA fragmentation and has now become a common problem for many men. Zinc is chronically missing in the western diet and Zinc is one of those minerals that is absolutely essential for men yet research shows that few people these days get the right amount of zinc.


One of the reasons why zinc is in such short supply in the average diet due to our high consumption of processed foods, also poor soil quality, which fails to provide this important mineral. Heating and cooking can also reduce the zinc in foods by 50%. So it is important to eat foods high in zinc in their raw form. The richest source of zinc is oysters, fish and red meat also contains lots of zinc.


It is not just a lack of zinc-filled foods that is sapping our bodies of this all-important mineral. Exposure to stress, pollution and cigarette smoke can also deplete our bodies of important zinc supplies. Chemicals in cigarette smoke mimic the shape and size of the zinc molecule and are absorbed into the cells. These types of toxins create free radicals. Zinc is an antioxidant which combats free radicals and protects the cells from damage. Sperm is very delicate as it is prone to oxidation and therefore needs lots of antioxidants to prevent damage to it. Continued exposure to cigarette smoke can also damage the DNA in the sperm. This is difficult to treat as new sperm being made is more susceptible to DNA damage.


It is important to eat enough foods high in zinc on a weekly basis. Make sure to try to eat as many zinc sources as you can raw – cooking has been shown to reduce zinc content by at least 50%.

  • Meat – red Meat in particular
  • Shellfish – oysters contain the highest amount of zinc
  • Legumes – chickpeas, lentils and beans
  • Seeds – hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, squash seeds and sesame seeds
  • Nuts and Peanuts – pine nuts, cashews, almonds and peanuts
  • Dairy – cheese and milk
  • Eggs

For many, it is difficult to get sufficient zinc in the diet. A tailored conception supplement, like Proceive Men and Max men, will help reach the recommended daily allowance. Zinc has hundreds of other functions in the body so ensuring the sufficient intake is circulating will help to support the immune system and provide an extra supply of antioxidants.


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